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What We Do

SalemBridge Advisors is a leading financial consulting firm that provides turnaround capital and financial advisory services to distressed and highly leveraged companies to improve their financial performance.

SalemBridge Services

SalemBridge provides access to capital through multiple channels of capital providers such as banks, credit unions, hedge funds, asset-based lenders and private investors.

SalemBridge provides expert advisory solutions to improve your company's balance sheet and performance such as business plan optimizations, budgeting, cash-flow management, financial modeling, fractional CFO services and more.

SalemBridge provides comprehensive M&A advisory services to lower middle market companies looking to either buy or sell, business valuations, financial forecasting and negotiate transactions with investors and stakeholders.


Needs Bridge Capital

Our clients use short-term funds to cover day-to-day expenses or use until permanent financing is in place

Needs Expansion Capital

Our clients use long-term capital solutions for new capital expenditures and mergers & acquisitions

Needs to Restructure Debt

Our firm enables your company to access new financing at lower interest rates

Needs Turnaround Solutions

Our firm is known for providing companies solutions for turnaround and restructuring special situations.

Needs to Improve Planning & Analysis

Our firm helps clients improve their operations and planning through our financial modeling services

Needs to Improve Cash Flows

Our firm can optimize your company's cash flows through our financial consulting and CFO services



Nearly 50+ years collective experience along with over $200MM in loans originated giving us an edge 


Ability to operate outside the box and provide a customized solution as every situation is unique


Established network of lenders and investors consisting of banks, hedge funds, and other sources


Our solutions deliver long-term value that increases your firm's enterprise value and lowers cost of capital

SalemBridge Advisors, LLC

P: 646-926-4391

F: 646-304-9221

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SalemBridge Advisors, LLC is not a licensed securities dealer, broker or US investment adviser, or certified public accountant. None of the information contained herein constitutes a solicitation for any purpose in any form or content, nor an offer to sell and/or buy securities and or properties. Any completed transaction is strictly one of private placement, and is in no way relying upon, or relating to the United States of America Securities act of 1933, as amended, or related regulations. Merely describing the details of an existing private placement program does not constitute an offer or solicitation of any kind and, if presented, is done so as a request for information.


SalemBridge Advisors, LLC is in the business of commercial business consulting. SalemBridge Advisors, LLC makes no warranties or representations whatsoever. All due diligence is the responsibility of the Borrower, the Correspondent and the Lender.

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