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SalemBridge provides financial solutions for companies in turnaround and distressed situations. Choosing the right adviser is one of the most crucial decisions your business will have to make. It is essential to have an adviser that understands your company’s situation and has the ability to act promptly and compile creative viable financials solutions that are most applicable to your company’s strategic plans.

Financial Capital

SalemBridge originates debt and equity capital for struggling lower middle market and micro-cap companies. We leverage our network consisting of both institutional and private capital sources.

Financial Advisory

SalemBridge provides financial consulting and outsourced fractional CFO services to companies seeking to raise capital or restructure their financials to optimize their financial performances.

M&A Advisory

SalemBridge provides comprehensive M&A advisory services to middle market companies looking to either buy or sell, business valuations, forecasting and negotiate transactions with investors and stakeholders.

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SalemBridge Advisors, LLC

P: 646-926-4391

F: 646-304-9221

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SalemBridge Advisors, LLC is not a licensed securities dealer, broker or US investment adviser, or certified public accountant. None of the information contained herein constitutes a solicitation for any purpose in any form or content, nor an offer to sell and/or buy securities and or properties. Any completed transaction is strictly one of private placement, and is in no way relying upon, or relating to the United States of America Securities act of 1933, as amended, or related regulations. Merely describing the details of an existing private placement program does not constitute an offer or solicitation of any kind and, if presented, is done so as a request for information.


SalemBridge Advisors, LLC is in the business of commercial business consulting. SalemBridge Advisors, LLC makes no warranties or representations whatsoever. All due diligence is the responsibility of the Borrower, the Correspondent and the Lender.

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